Friday, September 28, 2012

This moment

This post is inspired from the great blog of SouleMama

It will be a Friday ritual. 
Just a single photo without words - capturing a simple and beautiful moment I want to pause and remember from the week.

My "To do" List

Home and Farm:
·       create a warm, inviting new home full of love
·        educate our girls to a simple, natural and healthy life
·        grow a vegetable garden
·        build a small shed in the garden for chickens and enjoy their eggs
·        eat the vegetable that have grown in our garden
·        build an outside shower and use it under the stars or sun
·       plant flowers in the garden
·       plant a lot of trees on the farm
·       turn the existing chicken coop into a free range egg compound
·        do gardening with the girls
·        paint the dark furniture
·        build a tree-house for the girls
·        organize the large shed on the farm
·        plant bougainvillea around the parkway

·       work a lot in the studio
·       Learn how to make glass cabochons'
·       Work on a line of girls pendants
·       Prepare pretty things for kindergartens and market them
·        combine more natural material in my day to day life and in my art
·        manage to make a living from my art and slowly grow my business
·       Collect tons of crafting knick knacks (fabrics, buttons, pine cones…)
·       Learn how to make felt anthroposophic fairies

For myself:
·       Listen to good music at least an hour a day
·       Do reiki a few times a week
·       manage to feel connected to the force of the universe in my day to day being
·       Spend time in the wonderful waters of the sea of galilee
·       Go overnight camping for two every few months
·       Travel overseas once a year
·       Return to India, to the mountains
·       Open my own blog and share moments of inspiration from my life
·       Live a simple life
·        be satisfied with what I have yet dream for more
·       Spend a lot of time out in nature
·       Eat healthier
·       Get dressed up in skirts and colorful clothes
·       Spend relaxing time with Gili
·       Be surrounded in green
·       Learn to accept people as they are, but really.
·       Get a large tattoo on my right hand.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

This moment

This post is inspired from the great blog of SouleMama

It will be a Friday ritual. 
Just a single photo without words - capturing a simple and beautiful moment I want to pause and remember from the week.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Holiday surprises

Holidays are such fun.
The most wonderful is the day of the Holiday evening. There's a different and festive atmosphere in the air, you can already feel it first thing in the morning when you wake up.
The radio plays Israeli songs that I love, I call my Mom to ask her how things are coming together with the preparations and cooking (she won't have anyone help her…) and what's for dessert…Munching on a sandwich for lunch because I know the evening meal is going to be a huge dinner with the tastiest delicacies. The best part is the afternoon nap with all of us on the big bed, hugging, kissing and tickling. Then a Phone call to my sisters to coordinate arrival time, excited about seeing each other soon, giving each other small presents bought with love, dressed with our festive clothes and on our way. 
Driving past cars filled with families dressed for the holiday dinner always excites me. It's great to know there are so many people going to their families, to celebrate together, eat well, laugh and wish everyone a wonderful new year.
The holidays at my family is not something of little importance…the planning begins with my Mother two weeks in advance. She plans, buys, designs the table as only she can. She cooks, cooks and then cooks some more, oh her food is so delicious! And the atmosphere she creates is so special. (Take a peek to see part of her work; she has a style of her own)

This time she designed and decorated the table so beautifully it was a shame to take it apart at the end of the meal…
The centerpiece was a beautiful wooden planter (custom made for the occasion) and inside she planted flowers and plants in shades of purple, blue and white.
Each plate had a lovely personal honey cakes delicately wrapped and next to it a small plate which was divided into three: a pomegranate, apple and honey according to the custom of the holiday. The cutlery was tied and wrapped with a piece of lace with a heart and a personal dedication for a happy new year.

So much love in that table…
My darling Mother – I love you, your dedication, your creativity and the family that you gloriously raised.

For the New Year I caught a glimpse of my Geffen's first tooth. What joy. It surprises me how it moves me. It won't be too long before we won't be see that toothless smile that I love so much. Things change so quickly…
Here is the sweetest smile there is – the toothless smile

Friday, September 14, 2012

This moment

This post is inspired from the great blog of SouleMama

It will be a Friday ritual. 
Just a single photo without words - capturing a simple and beautiful moment I want to pause and remember from the week.


Days of reflection

These are days of festivities, days of joy, days of blessing, days of gratitude for everything I have.
Yes, this is going to be a little sentimental….it usually happens to me on my birthday. I celebrated my 34th birthday yesterday and this year it fell on Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) so there….
These are days of reflection, the past year so much has happened and changed my life.

In the past year:
·        I was pregnant. it was amazing, exhausting, exhilarating,difficult and blessed.
·        I gave birth.  a perfect labor, moving to tears, painful, natural and wonderful, through which I realized the power of Reiki and how much it is part of my life.
·        We started renovating the old house on the farm and turning it into our dream home. After years of deliberation and hesitation and various obstacles we decided that here is where we want to stay, surround by acres of arid land just asking for love, creation and new energy.
·        I spent six months of intense, daily work in the studio and another six month where I barely stepped foot in the place.
·        I watched my little girl grow and blossom like I never saw before. She made new friends; fell in love with the world of fairies and fairytales as well as with a boy in her kindergarten.. She's growing and changing and is so wonderful.
·        Gefen was born and we began our journey together. The first year of her life. I learnt to know her, her needs, her sensitivities and her need to always be close to Mummy. I love her with all my heart.
·        I tried to keep my Etsy store up and running. but it was different, the lack of time spent in the studio was taking its toll and sales were understandably less than before but I have faith things there will go back to how they were before.
·        Gili and I dealt with two huge "projects". Raising a little baby (certainly life changing) and renovating the house which Gili did by himself. It's exciting, challenging and mostly difficult.
·        There were moments I just wanted to leave everything and take off to the mountains for a day or two. On my own.
·        I found myself on quite a few occasions with tears in my eyes. Tears of gratitude to the universe. For everything it has given me.
·        Oh, I also started a blog. I love it.
Just want to say thank you. 

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year in Hebrew