Saturday, October 20, 2012

Joyous day

Somehow, I've wanted to write this post for 10 days already and it's been alluding me…

This is a post about friendship. 
About a beautiful day without any planning, preparations, thoughts or needs.
There are those kinds of days that things just flow gently and with ease and all of a sudden I pay attention to it and I'm happy.

The truth is that the day started with a bit of a mess, the girls seemed a bit "all over the place", I have a ton of things that I had to get done and needed to figure out how to find the time for it all. So the morning hours passed until I asked Drori if she feels like a picnic, no special preparations, just a little basket with something to drink, a few crafty knick knacks (because we can't do without…) and the surrounding nature. Of course she said or should I say screamed "YES, with a friend". Ok, we called to invite a good friend and then another good friend and waited for them in the yard.
The weather changed and clouds covered the sky which a moment before were a bright blue and it even started sprinkling rain which didn't dampen the enthusiasm. Off we go, not far, really not far, just beyond a small road next to the house there is a small quaint forest with eucalyptus and pine trees. The weather added an extra reason for excitement and we gave ourselves over the cool air. The friends arrived, we put socks on little Gefen, crossed the road and there we were.

Me and my good friend, with her little baby, three happy girls, a picnic basket, blanket, a jar to put all the nature treasures we find along the way, drawing paper. 
Nice and simple, pure Joy.

 After some games, giggling and diapers, we return home for a late lunch. I love our communal meals with friends and children seated around the table. Those are the meals with the special chit chat.

The girls are in the bedroom playing and my girlfriend and I sit on the balcony with our coffee and the babies on our laps. A friend arrives riding a beautiful horse and takes the girls on a ride. It was Drori's first time on a horse and she couldn't stop smiling. She sat up straight, held tight and smiled.

Ah, what a simple, joyous Day.

Wish you all the best,

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